Core Wounds

Most of us have what I think of as a ‘core wound’. It might be a belief that I’m never going to be good enough, or that I’m flawed in some way or will always be alone. It is a cut that runs deep in body, mind, and soul. Showing up in our lives, again and again, showing us that it is true.

What is the opposite of the word ‘wound’? It must be the word ‘heal’. 

What if our deepest wound is the hidden road to our deepest healing?

What if our deepest wound leads us into our life purpose?

This is something we explore in-depth in my ‘Relationship Cycle Breakers’ course. To find out more and get your Early Bird Discount, click here

Do you think your deepest wound can be the hidden road to your deepest healing?

Let me know in the comments

Love Jen